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What is Taekwondo?

Taekwondo is the Korean art of self-defense, as defined by its founder. Tae means foot, kwon means hand, and do means way. It was originally developed for the South Korean military, but has since been popularized and is now practiced by millions of people across the world. It employs a wide variety of foot and hand techniques with an emphasis on speed and accuracy.


Why Does Everyone Need Taekwondo?

Taekwondo doesn't just exercise the body and teach fighting techniques, but cultivates the mind and imparts important life skills. Everyone can benefit from Taekwondo: children demonstrate greater coordination and discipline, working adults find a place for stress relief, and seniors experience greater mobility and quality of life, We believe Taekwondo is the medium by which people can reach their full potential and live a healthy, prosperous life.


At AK Taekwondo Center, we focus on imparting upon our students a positive energy and enthusiasm for learning. In contrast to many other martial arts schools, we do not promote mass instruction. Instead, we believe that each student is uniquely different and learns differently, so we seek to cater to each individual personally. Our students gain self-discipline, respect, and confidence, along with learning techniques and working out. We offer a variety of personalized classes listed here:​​

Masters and Instructors at AK Taekwondo Center:​

Master Sohn
- Korean National Championship Gold Medalist
- International Open Championship Gold Medal in Vietnam (1999)

- 6th Dan Black Belt

- President of CTU

- Master of AK Taekwondo Center

Instructor Zhilin

- 2nd Dan Black Belt
- 5+ Years of Teaching Experience


Instructor Jesse

- 3rd Dan Black Belt

- 5+ Years of Teaching Experience


Instructor Sean

- 3rd Dan Black Belt

- 5+ Years of Teaching Experience


Our Curriculum

Click on the link below to access our full curriculum up to black belt.


Join Us!

Monday - Thursday: 2:30pm - 8:30pm
Friday: 2:30pm - 6:30pm
Saturday: 11:00am - 12:30am
Sunday: Closed

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